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Proven Tips and Secrets to Handle College Homework

In high school, you probably wondered, “do you get homework in college?” Well, homework is one of the major academic activities in college; you do more homework than you have lectures. However, when you enter college, you find out that the fun and exciting picture Hollywood paints about college is not a reality. While partying does exist in college, most of college life involves homework, writing lots of reports, and burying your head in books.

Is there homework in college?

Let’s give you a straight answer here: there is homework (lots of it) in college. You get at least thrice the number of take-home assignments for every class you take in college. That is, if you take twelve hours of lectures in a week, you will have at least 36 hours of homework to do. In addition, college homework typically comes with stricter deadlines and requirements than high school and lower-level homework.

Homework for college students comes in practical projects, essays, and assigned readings, among others. It requires more time and responsibility on the student’s part, which takes a large percentage of the final grade. The difference with college homework is that you’re treated like an adult; you get the syllabus at the start of the term. What you do with the syllabus and how you schedule your time to meet deadlines is up to you.

What is the average homework time for college?

College homework is different from any other assignment you might have done before you gained admission. In college, your professors encourage you to read and learn independently, even as you attend hours of seminars and lectures. As a result, most of your learning will occur in your private time rather than in the lecture theater. For this reason, college homework is voluminous because it is designed to help you learn on your own.

There is no set time for homework in college, but a student must spend three hours a week per college credit. That number seems small until you remember that you’ll take about fifteen units per semester in college. That means that you’ll need to take on nine hours of homework per week for every three-unit course. The good news is that the structure of homework in college involves more text reading, which you’ll discuss in your next class.

Reliable secrets and tips on how to stay focused on homework in college

Focusing on homework and projects can be tricky, especially if you’re a freshman in college. Modern technology, among other things, can be beneficial, but it can also open a floodgate to distractions. Below are some secrets and tips to help you overcome distractions and focus on your college homework:

  • Use headphones if your environment is noisy or there are too many people around you. If music is a distraction for you, you can listen to white noise; it helps.
  • Be ruthless, and don’t feel guilty. Turn off any gadget you don’t need unless you have an emergency.
  • Dress up, feel nice, and make yourself comfortable; avoid doing your homework in the same clothes you wore to class.
  • Have a study schedule to manage your time effectively; you can look for digital homework calendars to help.
  • Prioritize your duties and tasks, arranging your professors’ assignments in order of difficulty and importance.
  • Stretch in between your work, and keep water and snacks close by.
  • Working on one assignment at a time, break each one into smaller tasks.
  • Change your study space if you’re bored or have gotten too familiar with that particular spot.


Homework doesn’t end in high school, and neither does it get easier; high school is more like preparation. College life is demanding and challenging and can cause lots of sleepless nights, but the good news is that it is all worth it. So, to make things a bit easier for you, we’ve provided reliable secrets and tips on tackling college homework.

Homework in college is more of studying for exams, take-home activities, lab work, and projects. Meanwhile, remember that this number is only the average - the how much homework in college may depend on the professor.